About Us
We love Puzzles here at Your Puzzle Source. That’s why we provide free crosswords, sudoku and word search puzzles to anyone with an internet connected device.
Find out more about Phil Fraas, our puzzle master.
About Our Daily Crossword Puzzles
It is a challenging time to produce crosswords as our culture goes through the epochal switch from paper to digital communication. We, as constructors, have to figure out ways to fit our puzzles onto today’s favorite communication/reading devices—the mobile phone and tablet. And, we need to tailor our crosswords to meet the needs of puzzlers living in a fast-paced, sometimes frenetic, world.
My solution has been to create our Daily Crosswords in the format of Quick Puzzles. Quick Puzzles are compact crosswords, that are a comfortable size for the typical digital screen. These QPs take less time to solve than the more expansive crosswords traditionally seen in daily newspapers. However, Quick Puzzles retain all the fun you expects from a good crossword—like themes, clever clues, and longer words to puzzle out.
After you’ve given Daily Puzzles a try, let us know what you think.